Program Notes: November 2022

I love this time of year when the days get cooler (well, cooler for Texas!), and the holidays are just around the corner. November always makes me reflect on what I am thankful for. First and foremost, I’m grateful to live in Montgomery County and have the opportunity to stand beside the most amazing CASA Advocates in the world. You continue to do incredible work for children in care in our county. Whether you’ve been an Advocate for years or for days—thank you for choosing to care about the abused and neglected children in our community. You are truly making a difference in their lives.
Program Update Training
I’m looking forward to seeing you all sometime over the next month for our in-person Program Updates. You should have received an email from me in the last few weeks with a SignUpGenius attached. If you have not already signed up for a training session, please do so here as soon as possible. I need to meet with each of you before the end of the year to review updates to Advocate policies from Texas and National CASA that take effect Jan. 1, 2023. In addition to the updated policies, we’ll also talk about Collaborative Family Engagement (CFE) documentation, confidentiality, and upcoming events. Thank you for making room in your busy calendar for these meetings. This time, of course, will count toward your training hours for the year.
100 percent of children served
We continue to serve 100 percent of the children in care in Montgomery County. We currently have more than 200 Advocates serving almost 300 children. The value that CASA brings to these children’s lives cannot be emphasized enough as you communicate with their teachers, doctors, attorneys, caseworkers, relatives, and with the Judge when you attend court. Thank you for the vital and important work you do for our children and their families. I wish you all a safe, healthy, and happy holiday season. I’m thankful our children have you.
Marilyn McQueeney, TBRI Practitioner
Program Director
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