

Take the first step to becoming a volunteer advocate:


SONY DSCThank you for everything you’ve done for CASA kids this year!

You helped us make huge progress toward being able to provide an Advocate for every child in foster care in Montgomery County! And you helped us advocate better than ever for our kids.

We ended fiscal year 2014 with only 32 children still in the system without a CASA Advocate. We are getting close to being able to serve every child!

94% of our children were served by volunteers, not staff. This is an organization in which the real “mission work”—changing the lives of children—is done by volunteers!

This year we created an Educational Committee that consults directly with Advocates about their children’s specific educational needs, helping to increase each Advocate’s effectiveness. We’ve also adopted “Trust Based Relational Intervention” (TBRI), a philosophy of dealing with our kids based on an understanding that they’ve all experienced serious trauma—some more than we can imagine—and that effective advocacy or foster parenting means rebuilding their ability to trust, from the ground up.

We continued to collaborate with other organizations to provide experiences for the kids to help them feel “normal”, and at the same time, show them how special they are. At our annual “Always Pursue” event for graduating seniors, we were able to provide each senior with a suitcase and a laptop computer! Over 700 children attended our holiday party at WoodsEdge Church, and each child actually got to choose a gift—something they wanted! In addition, we have expanded our programming for older youth to include local college visits and other “life skills” learning opportunities. These events are possible because of our partnerships in the county.

Fiscal responsibility is always at the top of our minds. We ended the year with a cash reserve of 6 months of operating expenses. This is the goal set by the Board in order to ensure that our work with abused and neglected kids is sustainable. We appreciate your support.

We continue to need your help. These kids need your help. With your support of CASA, in dollars or time, or both, you’re making it possible for kids who’ve had the most rotten breaks to have a chance for a better life. We can’t thank you enough.

Ann McAlpin, Executive Director