View entire CASA Impact Report as a PDF.
“Thank you for everything you’ve done for CASA kids this year!” A letter from CASA Executive Director, Ann McAlpin. Read more…
2014 Financial Information – Read more…
215 Volunteers served 606 Children in 2014. Find out more about who they are…
“CASA volunteers and case supervisors are extremely important in DFPS (CPS) cases. In addition to many other duties, they provide an independent voice for the child to the court. It is a happy day and occasion when I can administer the oath to new CASA volunteers. Keep up the good work for these children.”
-Judge Jerry Winfree, East Texas Child Protection Cluster Court (Montgomery County)
2014 Fact and Impact – Local, state and national child abuse statistics and CASA’s impact. Read more…
“I feel like Linda, my Advocate, helped me a lot because every time I felt like something wasn’t going right or I was upset about something, I was able to call her. I feel like she always knew what to say. I got a different perspective from her, so it really made things easier for me.”
-Serenity, Former Foster Youth
Advocate Success Story – Meet April…
“We have a responsibility to children. We teach them. They learn from us. Any time you touch the life of a child, you change that child’s life. Whatever you do and whatever you say in that child’s best interest is going to impact them in a positive way. So how does it get any better than that?”
-Susanna Bell, Volunteer Advocate
CASA Staff – Read more…
“I admire the love and care you show the children we (Advocates) serve. The job you hold as a CASA Case Supervisor will not make you rich, nor will it make you famous, but know this – it is one of the most important jobs in the world.”
– Debbie Stuard, Volunteer Advocate
2014 CASA SuperHero Run – Steering Committee and Sponsors. Read more…
2015 CASA Speaks for Kids Platinum Gala – Planning Committee, Sponsors and Underwriters. Read more…
Thank you to all of our volunteer Advocates! Read more…
“I may not always agree with the decisions that Advocates make, but I do feel very strongly that CASA is needed on every case. CASA brings an outside perspective into a very closed process. Someone has to speak for the children. Someone needs to be consistently available to these children through all of their placements to ensure the best interests of the child. CASA fulfills this role. Advocates are volunteers and are not paid for their services, leaving no inclination to make decisions based on anything other than the best interest of the child. CASA volunteers and staff members GO a long way to providing a sense of security these children have yet to experience in their lives. So is CASA needed? The simple answer is yes!” -Leshia Fisher, CPS Program Administrator: CVS, FAD, and Adoption Prep Region 6 Outlying Counties
CASA Blue Ribbon Society – Read more…
2014-2015 Board of Directors – Read more… or view list of Board members as a PDF.
2014-2015 Advisory Council – Read more
“We want to thank Theresa, the Advocate who worked with our family. She started as a stranger who didn’t know us, but she soon became an angel in our eyes. She guided us in all the necessary steps and beyond. She was extremely caring in every way. Thank you, CASA Advocates, for caring for children.”
-The Perry Family
2014-2015 CASA Benefactors, In-Kind Donors, and Young Professionals for CASA Executive Committee – Read more…