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A Message from the Executive Director – August 2021

By Ann Marie Ronsman, Executive Director | CASA Child Advocates of Montgomery County

Ann Marie RonsmanBack to School for kids in care

Summer is drawing to a close and children are heading back to school in just a few short weeks. As a mom, this is always a bittersweet time. I look forward to the adventures my children will have in school this year, but I truly miss having them at home with no homework and less school obligations.

For many children in our community, however, going back to school is a relief. School is a place where they will get lunch every day, have air conditioning, and be safe from abuse and neglect. In the child welfare community, we know that a return to school means an increase in CPS intakes every year.

Children Without Placement in Texas: A Growing Crisis

Our child welfare system has always struggled, but currently the struggles are worse than ever with the Children Without Placement (CWOP) crisis. Click here to read this June article from The Texas Tribune/ABC 13 News.

The work we do at CASA has never been more important. We continue to serve 100% of the children in care in Montgomery County. Our Advocates are doing what they do best. They are building relationships with children, parents, caregivers, medical professionals, and teachers. They are ensuring that the best interest of children remains the central focus for the case.

Being a caseworker has never been an easy job, but with the addition of CWOP responsibilities, it is beyond difficult. CASA Advocates make sure that the small details of a case do not get lost so that the case can continue to move forward. In addition, we are finding connections for children within their extended families and communities. We are offering TBRI (Trust Based Relational Intervention) coaching for families and caregivers to equip them with skills to effectively care for our children. Our teens were part of a book club this summer. They also learned about post-secondary education and for the first time had a vision of what might be possible for their futures.

We need you to join us! The work we do is critical for these children in care. Will you join us as an Advocate, a run or gala committee member or volunteer, event guest or donor?

We are not all called to do the same thing, but we are all called to do something.

Thank you for your generosity in time, talent, and treasure.


Ann Marie