From the Development Desk: May 2022
By Lindsay Miller, Development Director

We are kicking off the summer season with some exciting events and announcements!
First, after our CASA Bingo Night last summer was such an amazing success, we knew we wanted to host another bingo event in 2022. Fast forward a few months, and as we were looking into potential venues, we connected with Sawyer Park Icehouse in Spring. Incredibly, they were already planning a bingo night and invited CASA to join as the non-profit beneficiary of the event’s proceeds! So…
Please join us on May 10th for Purse Bingo at the Park at Sawyer Park Icehouse*… Each round’s prize will be a purse of increasing value, and the blackout round will be for an authentic Louis Vuitton! Bingo card packets (8 cards in a packet) can be pre-purchased for $30. At the door, these packets can be purchased for $40. The blackout round is a separate card and will only be available for purchase at the door for an additional $10. Doors open at 5:00 pm, and there will be vendors on-hand for a little pre-bingo shopping! Perfect for “ladies’ night” with friends! Bingo starts at 6:00 pm. * Please note: This is a 21 and up event only.
The following evening (and just in time for graduation and wedding season), Kendra Scott will be hosting a Kendra Gives Back event with 20% of proceeds from in-store sales AS WELL AS online purchases using a shopping code will benefit CASA Child Advocates of Montgomery County. They will also be revealing their summer collection, so you do not want to miss out! Please stop by the store on May 11th from 5:00-7:00 at Kendra Scott in Market Street. We’ll be sending out a separate email with the shopping code very shortly if you want to shop online.
And finally, I am very excited to announce that we are planning a CASA Cornhole Tournament this fall! More details are coming, but for now, please save the date: Sunday, September 25th at Southern Star Brewing Company in Conroe. We will have both competitive and “just for fun” brackets, plus live music and fun activities for the entire family! Again, more information is coming very soon…
If you have any questions or want more information about any of our upcoming events, please contact me directly at
Learn more about becoming a CASA volunteer: VOLUNTEER or give online: DONATE.