From the Development Desk: January 2022
By Lindsay Miller, Development Director
Happy New Year and best wishes for the upcoming year. Here at CASA, we have lots to share with you!
First up, let’s talk about leaving a lasting legacy at CASA’s new home (505 N. Main Street in downtown Conroe.) We moved in November and are really settling in. This spring, we will begin construction on the amazing Amy Streifel Memorial Garden on the side of the home. Ann Marie talked about some of the elements to the garden in her recent post, but one of the features will be a brick pathway with custom, personalized brick pavers! These pavers are available for individual purchase, and what a unique Valentine’s Day gift!
For Advocates, past and present, you can commemorate your years of service to children in foster care on a brick that will last forever! For current and former Board members, list your Board term and the number of children impacted during that time. Memorialize a loved one or honor a very special person. The possibilities are endless!
Bricks may be purchased through February 28, 2022, and if you order a brick as a gift by February 7, 2022, we will send your loved one a very special Valentine’s Day card announcing your gift!
You’re invited to be a part of the Foundation for our Future Campaign (or buy a brick!) here:
I’m receiving many questions about our upcoming Gala… Presented by Huntsman, our annual CASA Speaks for Kids Gala — Escape to Paradise: A Night in the Tropics — is scheduled for Saturday, March 5, 2022 and will be held at Margaritaville Lake Resort on Lake Conroe. WE HAVE SOLD OUT OF TABLES FOR THIS EVENT! We do have one underwriting level with a table remaining (Welcome Reception on Friday evening) which includes an Invitation to VIP Wine-Tasting event on February 1st, 1 table for 10 at Gala, 5 Balcony Suites-Friday and Saturday nights, invitation-only Welcome Reception at the Resort on Friday evening, Cocktail Reception prior to the Gala on Saturday, plus much more! We do have a few other remaining underwriting levels available, and you can view all of our underwriting opportunities at and contact me directly at to confirm your underwriting level.
Unable to attend this year’s Gala? We still need your help and support! We are in the middle of seeking out donations for our Live Auction and Silent Auction. Whether you know someone with a vacation home they might donate for a week or you have a favorite business by which you stop regularly, we would sincerely appreciate your asking them for a donation (big or small!) for our auction. Really, nothing is too small! We group things together frequently to make up a larger auction item. You can download our auction donation request letter here and the auction donation form here Please send all auction donation commitments to our Auction Chair, Heather Lease, at
Learn more about becoming a CASA volunteer: VOLUNTEER or give online: DONATE.