February Donor Spotlight: Steven Williams & Marty Miller | Partners Title Company

This month, we invite you to meet Steven Williams and Marty Miller with Partners Title Company. Steven and Marty, both Vice-Presidents with the company, have been long-time sponsors of the CASA Speaks for Kids Gala (this event will be a benefit concert in 2021.) Recently, the pair was kind enough to sit down and answer a few questions for us.
How did you first hear about CASA?
A business associate and friend that I [Steven] greatly admire shared with me the work that CASA was doing in our community and the need that it addresses. He and his wife invited us to an event which my wife and I attended, and we have become passionate supporters ever since. In some ways, I had never considered the need for the services that CASA provides, but of course it is obvious to me now and we are honored to be able to support their mission.
With so many great organizations to support, why did Partners Title choose to support CASA?
Partners Title gives to several good-hearted organizations in Montgomery County. Having said that, if asked which of these great organizations is our personal highest calling, we would tell you that its CASA and all the good this group does with their staff and volunteers for the children of Montgomery County, Texas.
Despite the circumstances that many of these children are dealing with, We’ve been inspired over and over by the stories of Advocates and families that have stepped up to represent the interests of children in need. CASA provides an incredibly important service to an extremely vulnerable population, and I feel like anything we can do to support that is the least that we can do.
Last year, we attended the court proceeding one day to see the Judge swear in these CASA volunteer Advocates, both men and women. Here are regular people that (in our opinion) are called by God, to not only give back of their time, but to stand before the court to represent what’s best for this minor child. We have such respect for these volunteers and their commitment to children and we are honored to help in any way we can.
As you have gotten to understand CASA, what do you think other people should know about this organization?
Attend a CASA gala [this year, it’s an outdoor benefit concert.] Meet other good people from our community there. Listen for a still small voice and instruction. Then, take action. You will be glad you did.
— Steven M. Williams, Vice-President and Marty Miller, Vice-President | Partners Title Company
Learn more about becoming a CASA volunteer: VOLUNTEER or give online: DONATE.