

Take the first step to becoming a volunteer advocate:


Planned Giving

AA BoyMany of our supporters give stock, grant from donor-advised funds, or make a qualified charitable distribution, all of which are more “tax-smart” than giving cash. These options allow you to maximize your impact while benefiting from potential tax savings.

A planned gift to CASA Child Advocates will help ensure the services, resources, and programs we provide to children and families in crisis will continue into the future – and may even further your financial goals. Some planned giving strategies may be by way of your will, estate, stocks, and financial holdings or endowment gifts, or establishing a Charitable Lead or Remainder Trust for more advanced gifting strategies.


You can create a legacy of hope for vulnerable children through a planned gift to CASA Child Advocates of Montgomery County, Texas.

Bequests Through Your Will

A bequest to CASA Child Advocates of Montgomery County, Texas is one of the simplest and most effective ways of making a lasting impact on the lives of vulnerable children. You may specify the amount or a percentage you wish to give.

If you are considering making a gift by bequest, please meet with your attorney to discuss the ramifications and, if appropriate, to update your will.

Sample Codicil to add to your will | DOWNLOAD

Giving Retirement Funds and Insurance Policies

If you would like to create a legacy for children but do not wish to write a will, you can name Child Advocates of Montgomery County, Texas as a beneficiary of your retirement account or life insurance policy.

Retirement Account:

You can have a positive impact on children into the future by naming Child Advocates of Montgomery County, Texas as a beneficiary or a contingent beneficiary of an IRA, 401(k), 403(b) or other retirement account. Please consult with your financial planner or attorney regarding considerations when making a gift of this type.

Qualified Charitable Contribution:

A qualified charitable distribution (QCD) allows individuals who are 70½ years old or older to donate up to $100,000 total to one or more charities directly from a taxable IRA instead of taking their required minimum distributions. As a result, donors may avoid being pushed into higher income tax brackets and prevent phaseouts of other tax deductions, though there are some other limitations.

Qualified charitable distributions are made directly to the eligible charity from a traditional IRA, inherited IRA, inactive Simplified Employee Pension (SEP) plan and inactive Savings Incentive Match Plan for Employees (SIMPLE) IRAs. The money is a direct transfer to the charity that never passes through the hands of the IRA holder. Instead, the IRA custodian can either send an electronic transfer of funds or a check directly to the charity.

For a QCD to count toward your minimum annual IRA distribution, it must be made by the same deadline as a normal distribution, which is usually Dec. 31 of the tax year in question.

Insurance Policies:

Life Insurance may be used to create a legacy by naming CASA Child Advocates of Montgomery County, Texas as a beneficiary or contingent beneficiary of the policy.

This requires that you complete a change of beneficiary form with your insurance company.

Contact us!

Contact us by email at Info@CASASpeaks4Kids.com, by phone at 936-441-5437, or by filling out the form:

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