CASA’s Woman of Distinction for 2013 is Robyn West
The Montgomery County Women’s Council of Organizations hosts a Women of Distinction Luncheon annually, honoring women in our community who dedicate time and effort helping those in need through non-profit organizations and charities. This year, we are proud to announce that Robyn West is CASA’s Women of Distinction!
Robyn West joined the team of CASA Child Advocates of Montgomery County’s volunteers in 2006, as an Advocate. Robyn has served as an Advocate for 25 children, often taking some of CASA’s most difficult cases-older children who have been in the care of the state for many years.
Realizing that fundraising is critical to having an Advocate for every abused and neglected child in Montgomery County, in 2010 Robyn joined the CHAMPS fundraising team, becoming a Board member and co-chaired the CASA Gala. During this same time period, Robyn was also responsible for a complete redesign of the CASA website and for bringing in professional donor management software.
In 2012, Robyn served as Chairman of the CASA Board, and is currently serving as Vice Chair and leads the Governance, Planning and Policy committee. In addition to her many other contributions, Robyn serves on the Legislative Advocacy Committee, taking her passion to Austin to advocate for legislation that better serves kids who’ve been removed from their homes for abuse and neglect.
Robyn’s leadership and her insistence that CASA serve “every child who needs us” has been fundamental to CASA’s strategic growth, and her passion and dogged determination to provide “her kids” with a better life has been life-changing for each of them.