CASA Young Professionals Executive Committee Positions
- The CYP Executive Committee, consisting of not less than five participants and not more than fifteen participants, (determined in the sole discretion of the CYP Executive Committee,) shall govern the affairs of CYP.
- The initial slate of Executive Committee members shall have the following titles and applicable responsibilities:
The Executive Chair
shall oversee CYP and work closely with the Board Liaison, Staff Advisor, and Vice-Chair to ensure CASA policies and procedures are being followed; ensure the successful growth of the CASA Young Professionals.
Key Responsibilities
- Ensure the CYP members adhere to CYP bylaws and guidelines
- Facilitate effective and efficient CYP steering committee meetings by setting CYP meeting agendas, guiding steering committee decisions and actions, and communicating CYP issues and ideas
- Demonstrate leadership to other committee chairs and CYP members
- Show commitment to CASA Child Advocates of Montgomery County’s mission and goals
- Attend CYP networking and fundraising events
- Work with the CASA Board of Directors through the CASA Board/Development Committee Liaison and Staff Liaison
- Speak on behalf of CYP and CASA at community events and recruitment opportunities
- Distribute agendas in a timely fashion one week prior to Executive Committee meetings
- Ensure transitioning of documents from outgoing Executive Committee members to incoming members
shall work closely with the Executive Chair, CASA Child Advocates of Montgomery County development team, and lead CYP fundraising efforts.
Key Responsibilities
- In absence of the Executive Chair, Vice-Chair shall lead Executive Committee meetings and ensure agendas and minutes are distributed
- Work closely with the Executive Chair and Executive Committee members
- Show commitment to CASA Child Advocates of Montgomery County’s mission and goals
- Represent CYP at events and other activities
- Facilitate the Fundraising Committee meetings and membership
- Lead planning, organization, marketing, and execution of at least one fundraising event each year
- Monitor fundraising efforts to be sure that ethical practices are in place, that donors are acknowledged appropriately, and that fundraising efforts are cost-effective
- Set overall CYP fundraising goals
- Lead CYP leadership discussion to develop the CYP annual budget for approval by CASA Child Advocates of Montgomery County
- Ensure transitioning of documents from outgoing Executive Committee members to incoming members
CASA Board/Development Committee Liaison: Mark Freeman, CASA Board of Directors
shall provide a report to the Board of Directors of the Montgomery County Program on CYP activities and serve as a connection between CYP and the CASA Board.
Key Responsibilities
- Show commitment to CASA Child Advocates of Montgomery County’s mission and goals
- Communicate with the CASA Board and CASA Development Committee on CYP’s behalf when necessary
- Represent CYP at CASA Board meetings and CASA development committee meetings
- Update CYP Executive Committee about relevant developments at recent CASA Board meetings and CASA development committee meetings
- Coordinate with CASA Board to arrange for CYP Executive Committee members to observe CASA Board meetings
- Ensure transitioning of documents from outgoing Executive Committee members to incoming members
Administrative Chair
shall keep the minutes of all meetings of the CYP Executive Committee, draft/conduct the monthly general correspondence of CYP to members, manage the CYP Facebook Group, and manage the membership roster.
Key Responsibilities
- Record the minutes of all Executive Committee meetings
- Keep record of any policies created by the Executive Committee of Young Professionals for CASA
- Distribute meeting minutes in a timely fashion within one week after Executive Committee meetings
- Coordinate the monthly general correspondence (e-newsletter) of CYP to members with CASA communications staff
- Serve as administrator and manage the CYP Facebook Group; encourage group engagement through regular posts to the group
- Show commitment to CASA Child Advocates of Montgomery County’s mission and goals
- Actively recruits new Executive Committee members and help to retain current Executive Committee members
- Ensure transitioning of documents from outgoing Steering Committee members to incoming members
Events & Recruitment Chair
shall facilitate and lead the Events & Outreach Committee to work with businesses, venues, and restaurants in Montgomery County to ensure the appropriate time, place, and atmosphere for CYP events. These gatherings will strive to recruit and build a tight-knit community of professionals in support of CASA Child Advocates of Montgomery County.
Key Responsibilities
- Facilitate the Event & Outreach Committee meetings and membership
- Coordinate the promotion of CYP networking events with Administrative Chair and CASA communications staff
- Attend CYP networking and fundraising events
- Show commitment to CASA Child Advocates of Montgomery County’s mission and goals
- Maintain CYP calendar of events; serve as secondary administrator for CYP Facebook Group and promote events to group; otherwise coordinate with CASA communications staff to update CASA website with CYP events
- Set overall CYP recruitment and retention goals
- Develop a plan to recruit new CYP members
- Ensure transitioning of documents from outgoing Executive Committee members to incoming members
Chapter Staff Advisor: Lindsay Miller, CASA Development Director
shall work with YPC as the direct liaison for the Montgomery County Program Management and Staff and as such shall have representation on all committees of YPC.
Key Responsibilities
- The Chapter Staff Advisor position is permanent and may only be removed by CASA Child Advocates of Montgomery County
- Attend CYP Executive Committee meetings and ensure adherence to CASA policies and procedures
- Communicate with CASA Child Advocates of Montgomery County leadership on behalf of CYP Executive Committee
The CYP Executive Committee shall be active CYP members in good standing and meet all of the requirements of membership.
Each Executive Committee member shall also have the responsibility to seek and develop a potential successor to their position on the committee.