

Take the first step to becoming a volunteer advocate:


Would you be interested in joining CASA Child Advocates of Montgomery County’s Advisory Council?

CASA Child Advocates of Montgomery County has an Advisory Council that is very important to our growth and effectiveness in the community. If you are new to CASA Child Advocates, you can find more information about CASA (Court Appointed Special Advocates) on this website.

For twenty-three years, CASA Child Advocates of Montgomery County has been the only non-profit in Montgomery County that recruits, trains and leads dedicated community volunteers to advocate for the best interests of abused and neglected children who have been removed from their parents and are under the court’s jurisdiction. In 2014, we provided an Advocate for 606 children who have suffered abuse or neglect in Montgomery County.

The Advisory Council includes individuals who have the resources, relationships, and experience to help guide CASA to better serve the children in our county who need us. Our Advisory Council is composed of individuals from a wide spectrum of Montgomery County’s business, civic, professional, academic, and volunteer communities.

Your participation should include willingness to:

  • Attend 3 lunches a year;
  • Understand the scope and program of CASA;
  • Be a resource to the staff and Board to share your knowledge and professional experience in specific areas such as marketing, finance, legal, recruiting, etc;
  • Be an ambassador for CASA in the community.

We will hold lunchtime meetings three times per year, on Fridays. The cost of each lunch meeting is $25 and is the responsibility of every participant.
Because of the nature of the work we do with children, we do background checks on all volunteers including Board members. We’ll ask you to fill out a profile form with your experience and interests, and an agreement for the background check.

If you would like to talk more about the possibility of joining our 2015 Advisory Council, please contact Ann McAlpin, our Executive Director at 936-441-5437, ext. 201, or Ann@CASASpeaks4Kids.com. We are very excited that you will consider joining CASA in this vital role. Thank you!