2015 in Retrospect; 2016 Forging Ahead

Remember those 2015 New Year’s Resolutions? Many are lost along the way, but some can be counted as gains. We’re proud to say we had many achievements in 2015. We’re not bragging, but actually asking for your help to continue working to improve the lives of and outcomes for abused and neglected children in 2016.
CASA Child Advocates of Montgomery County had a successful 2015, but the need increases daily with almost 4 children entering foster care in our county every week. With this ever-increasing need, It can be challenging to continue to be able to provide volunteers for every child. However, it remains our continuing goal and ultimate mission. Forty-four percent of these children are under 5 years of age and need a voice in their future…a future they don’t even know how to voice yet. CASA volunteers step up to provide that voice.
What does it mean to be a CASA Advocate? It means a great deal to the children you help in a very difficult time of their lives—and the rewards are difficult to put into words; you have to experience it firsthand. If this is your first visit to our website, welcome. If you are returning, you may already be familiar with what our volunteers do, but their efforts bear repeating as THEY make a difference in children’s lives every day.
Who are CASA volunteers? Members from every walk of life, nationally, profession, religion and background. People like you. From the National CASA Association site:
“Last year, more than 76,000 CASA and guardian ad litem (GAL) volunteers helped more than 251,000 abused and neglected children find safe, permanent homes. CASA/GAL volunteers are everyday citizens who have undergone screening and training with their local CASA/GAL program.”
CASA volunteers remain on each case until it is finalized and the child is established in a safe and permanent home. “Independent research has demonstrated that children with a CASA/GAL volunteer are substantially less likely to spend time in long-term foster care and less likely to reenter care.” Again, quoted from the National CASA Association’s website.
We have entered the New Year with high hopes and plans to achieve and exceed our 2015 performance. We could definitely use your assistance. Let’s make this the year we can maintain our ability to provide each child who has suffered maltreatment a chance at a permanent, loving home.
Hopefully, these impressive 2015 figures will help you decide to join us:
- 560 abused and neglected children’s lives were changed by 233 CASA Advocates.
- 44% of those children were under the age of 5.
- 53 new volunteers were trained and sworn in as Court Appointed Special Advocates.
- 62 Advocates took their very first case.
You can be a part of these successful statistics. Contact us to learn more about how to become a CASA Advocate and help those who, in so many instances, cannot yet help themselves. The time you devote to a child in need can be truly life-changing.